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“Lincoln Reynolds?” I asked.
“Yeah, Lincoln Reynolds. How do you know Linc?”
“He's on the Emergency Response Team. We've been meeting for a few months now trying to streamline the county’s Emergency Preparedness. He's the county's EMS representative, and he seems like a great guy,” I told him, and it was true, but at the same time I couldn’t help but wonder exactly what the relationship was between them. Didn’t he say Linc loved twinks? Because I was pretty sure Nathan qualified.
“Linc is a great guy," Nathan insisted. "And he's talked about the meetings. He's really excited about what y’all are doing. But I didn’t realize you were the Alex who was heading that up.”
“Yep, that's me.” I made a point to glace at my watch. “And it's about time for me and Maddie Mae over there to head home. Maybe I'll see you around, Nathan.”
Chapter Four
I got home from the mall with Mark, both tired and annoyed. I kept running into Alex, and I didn’t like it all. That man had starred in one too many of my jerk off fantasies for me to be comfortable hanging out and talking to him. And what the hell was Mark thinking bring up the dating rules? Like Alex would want to date me. I mean, I was still pretty sure he was straight. Plus, if you added a flannel shirt, a beanie, and an ax he was the manifestation of a lumbersexual, so what would he want with me even if he were inclined to like the D. He could walk into any gay club in town dressed like that and have his pick of guys.
I entered the living room, and Linc was curled up in his favorite chair reading, as usual. People were prone to misjudge Lincoln. Not to any fault of their own, but because he tended to misrepresent himself. He came across as a fun playboy. With his cowboy clothes and his slow Texas drawl, most people failed to see the brilliant, quiet, kind man he really was. While he was up for going out and having a good time, he was just as happy at home reading a book or watching a movie.
“Did you have fun at the mall?” He teased because he knew how much I hated the freaking mall.
“It wasn’t too bad. Emma was fun as always. She’s really looking forward to both her birthday party and the baby shower. I did run into someone you know.”
“Really, who was that? Please tell me it wasn’t Miguel. Last I heard he was working at Dillard’s. The last thing I need is more Miguel in my life.”
“But he loooovves you!” I laughed, mimicking Miguel from the last time we saw him at the club when he couldn’t believe Linc didn’t feel the same way after a quick blowie in the bathroom.
He grabbed a decorative pillow and threw it at me. “Shut up man, it wasn’t even a good blowjob.”
“No.” I laughed again and said, “It wasn’t Miguel. It was Alex Doyle.”
“Oh, Alex is a great guy. They made a good decision when they brought him on as Emergency Management Coordinator. He was in the Navy and got most of his training there. As a city, we’re getting much more prepared for anything that might happen with him heading up the committee.”
I knew that if I let Linc get going he would go on forever about the possible disasters we needed to be prepared for, how important response and containment times were, and on and on. He was really excited about being a part of this team, and I was really proud of him. Saving lives was what he was made for. I didn’t know a single person in this world who was a better person than Lincoln. He was the closest thing I had to a brother… even though I actually had one. He just chose not to sully his good name by associating with the rainbow sheep of the family. Honestly, I don’t know where I would be today if it weren’t for the Reynolds’ family.
“He said basically the same thing about you as far as being a good guy and valuable to the team. But let’s talk about the important stuff. Is he straight and is he single?”
“I tell you that he served our country and is improving the safety of the city and to you, the important stuff is if he’s straight and single?
“Yep, pretty much. I mean, you have to have priorities,” I said with a wink.
“Is he straight? Well, I don’t know since I didn’t exactly ask, and as far as his relationship status, well, I didn’t think to ask that either.” Now Linc was laughing at me.
I sighed and plopped down in the chair with Linc, wiggling until he scooted over enough to give me room. I leaned my head on his shoulder, getting comfy in my favorite spot. “Why do all the good guys have to work at the hospital and be straight? Or straightish anyway.”
“What makes you think he’s straightish vs. just straight?”
“He kinda asked me out. Well, not really. I mean, he kinda hinted that he would ask me out. Or maybe he was just kidding. You know, giving me a hard time because of the rule about not dating anyone from work. Or maybe he was serious, I don’t know. There was that time he came into the ER and looked at me like he wanted to eat me for breakfast, but that probably doesn’t mean anything. I doubt he was even if Mark thinks he was serious. But it doesn’t really matter because I told him I wouldn’t go out with him, so even if he was serious, now it’s too late because I already said no.”
“Okay,” Lincoln said as he shook his head. “Why don’t you start from the beginning because I have no idea what happened.”
“Good Lord, Lincoln,” I huffed. “You need to keep up. I ran into Alex at the mall. Mark told him about my no dating people at work rule, and he asked if that meant that if he asked me out, I would say no, and I told him that was correct, I would say no. Then he left.”
Lincoln sat back and looked at me for a second. “You seem pretty worked up over just running into him at the mall. If he were serious, would you say no?”
“I wouldn’t want to say no. I’ve been lusting after him for months, but I probably would because he works at the hospital.”
“For months, huh? I take it he’s the big muscle bear security guard you’ve been talking about then?”
“Yeah. He’s so big and hairy. I mean, his arms are hairy and his chest, god, Linc, I could just sink my hands in those dark curls. And that beard, he’s just so…” I paused while I searched for the right word. “Yummy. I just want to lick him.”
“All guys aren’t like Trevor you know,” Linc said softly as he ran his fingers through my hair. He knew that relaxed me, and if we were going to talk about Trevor, I would need something that did. Just thinking about that asshole made me tense.
“I know that, Linc, but I don’t want to take a chance. I love my job here, especially now that I’m in the ER. The last thing I need is someone I work with trying to undermine me and causing problems.”
“Well, Alex reports directly to the mayor, not the hospital board, and the county pays part of his salary, so it seems to me that doesn’t count. Besides, Trevor was a douche. I never thought he was good enough for you, and it doesn’t surprise me he pulled that shit. The only thing that shocked me was that the hospital took his side. Alex isn’t like him.”
“Trevor is a doctor. Hospitals always take the doctor’s side, and he didn’t seem like a douche at first.” Linc looked at me and raised one eyebrow. “Okay, you always thought he was a douche, but I didn’t see it, and that worries me. What if I take a chance and I’m wrong again? I mean, Alex has the attention of some pretty important people, and I love my job at this hospital. I don’t want to move again.”
“Well, I think you should give it a shot. If he was serious, of course. But either way, I think it’s time for you to think about why you do some of the things you do.” He rubbed my back slowly, letting me know that I wasn’t going to like what came next, but that he loved me. People only thought they knew Lincoln. He was the kindest, sweetest, most caring man I knew. He made a point to come across as a love ‘em and leave ‘em cowboy, but the truth was, he was a romantic at heart, and he cared for people so deeply. “You were made for commitment, sweetie. This no repeats party boy thing you have going on isn’t really you.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Trashy Club Kid is kinda my brand.
Lincoln just shook his head. “On the outside maybe.” He placed his hand on my chest. “But in here that isn’t you. It’s just a persona you’ve been wearing so long you’ve forgotten what’s underneath.”
“You’re one to talk. When’s the last time you brought home someone besides a cute little twink that would be impressed by your manly rugged cowboy look?” He flinched and then I felt horrible. I knew why he chose smaller more feminine men, and I shouldn’t have thrown that in his face just because I felt raw. “I’m sorry, sweetie. That was a ridiculously bitchy thing for me to say and it wasn’t fair. You know I get it, and I was out of line.”
“No, you’re right. We’ve both been hiding and maybe it’s time we stopped. If we don’t, we’re gonna be a couple of old queens, still living together, lamenting our lost youth. Just promise me you’ll think about it, okay?”
“I’ll think about it. But what about you? Are you okay? You seem a little down, my stupid comment aside. I’ve noticed there’s been less traffic through here.”
“Yeah, I’m just not into it here lately.” He replied looking away.
“When is the last time you brought someone from the club home?”
“I don’t know. Before Mark’s wedding, I guess. But we weren’t talking about me. We were talking about you and your big muscle bear.”
“He isn’t my muscle bear,” I denied letting him change the subject. Something was obviously up with him. I knew he would tell me when he was ready.
“But maybe he could be.”
“Maybe.” I shrugged.
I stood by the door, greeting everyone as they filed in for the meeting. These monthly meetings were actually one of the best parts of my new job. I loved sharing ideas about how to make Austin prepared for emergencies with like-minded members of the community. But that wasn’t why I was making a point to speak to everyone tonight before the meeting.
I was hoping to get a chance to talk to Lincoln. As the EMS representative for the county, he attended all these meetings. Just as I started to think this might be the one meeting he missed—and wouldn’t that just figure—he walked up.
“Hey man, good to see you. I was starting to think you weren’t going to make this one.” I reached out and shook hands with the huge cowboy.
“Yeah, had a call we had to finish up before we could get off. I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it or not.”
“Well glad you’re able to be here. It should be a good meeting. We’re going to talk strategies for helping the city’s homeless this winter,” I said, but paused for a minute before getting up the nerve to ask what I really wanted to know.
“Um, do you have time to maybe grab a cup of coffee or something after? I wanted to talk to you.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “I bet I can guess what you want to talk to me about.”
I glanced around to see if anyone was listening, and when I was sure they weren’t I said, “Why, did he say something about me?” Yep, I sounded like a twelve-year-old girl.
At that, Lincoln burst out laughing. “You should see your face. Man, I hope you play poker. Like seriously, you should come play with us because I would so take your money if that’s your poker face.” I glared at him until he stopped laughing and pulled himself together. He gave me a knowing look. “I’m done for the night, so I can do coffee if you want. How about we meet at the Wild Rabbit afterward?”
“Okay, I’ll see you there. Now let’s go make a plan. I know it’s only September, but they’re predicting a cold, wet winter and four months isn’t much time to figure out a plan to keep our homeless population warm and dry.”
“Actually,” Lincoln said, “four months is plenty of time to come up with a plan. It’s the damn money that’s the problem.”
“Tell me about it. Everything always comes down to the money.”
The meeting went really well. We came up with some great ideas and a strategy for how to move forward. Now I just hoped that my coffee with Linc would be as productive because I had a feeling that where Nathan was concerned, I would need all the help I could get.
Awhile later, I arrived at the coffee shop, and Lincoln was already in line. I got behind him and stared at the menu board as I tried to decide how to approach this. I knew from what little I’d managed to pick up from the hospital gossip mill that Linc and Nathan were close, so I needed him on my side.
Lincoln’s boisterous laugh pulled me out of my head. He had made it to the front of the line and was talking to the barista who was a pretty little thing with blond hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a T-shirt that said espresso yourself, and it seemed to fit his personality. From what I’d heard, he was just Lincolns type. But then again, so was Nathan.
“Lincoln, sweetie, where have you been? I haven’t seen you in a month of Sundays, I swear,” he asked Lincoln as he honest to god eye fucked him right there.
“I know, Sean. We both work too much, but we’re going to the club Saturday night. Will you be there?”
“Truth on the working too much.” The barista, who was apparently named Sean, sighed dramatically. “Lucky for me, since art doesn’t pay the bills, coffee does. But anyway, Saturday night, huh? Who is we? Will your delicious nerdy friend be with you?”
“He will, and so will his husband. Married. Remember?”
“I know, I know.” Sean rolled his eyes. “But he can still dance, can’t he?”
“He can, but probably not with you unless you want Justin getting all jealous and growly. He still hasn’t forgotten how close he came to letting you steal Mark away from him.”
“I wasn’t going to steal him. I was just going to borrow him for a minute,” Sean said with a wink. “Besides, I figure he owes me for making him see Mark was his.”
“Maybe, but I wouldn’t push my luck. Anyway, Saturday night if you want to come. Now, can I just get a Breve? And whatever my friend here wants.” Lincoln turned and nodded at me.
“I’ll just have a large drip.” I shrugged. “No fancy coffee on board a ship. So eventually, you learn to drink it however you can get it.”
We took our coffees to a table in the corner and sat down. I wasn’t sure how I wanted to start this conversation, so I stared into my cup trying to decide what to say. Lucky for me, Lincoln was pretty much a no-nonsense kinda guy.
“You wanted to talk to me about Nathan?”
“He’s an excellent nurse.” That was all I could come up with? I really was a teenager.
“So that’s what you’re going with? How good he is at his job?” Lincoln teased.
“Seems like it.” I grinned wryly and then just went for it. We both knew why I asked him here, so there was no reason to pussyfoot around. “I want to ask him out, but he said he wouldn’t go because of his stupid rules, so I want to know how to change his mind.”
“Are you even gay? I mean, we all just assumed you were straight.”
“Well, since I can’t get Nathan’s eyes, or his smile, or his tight ass out of my head I’m going with not so straight.”
“Yeah, he does have a nice ass. And believe me, he’ll be happy to tell you how awesome it is if you ask him.” Lincoln rolled his eyes. “I’ve never met anyone so into squats. But it sounds like you’ve already noticed that.”
“Yeah, I noticed. But let me ask you a question. You and Nathan, I mean you’re just friends, right?” I had to ask. I hoped it wouldn’t offend him, but I didn’t want to set myself up for failure if they were more.
“I don’t know if I would say we’re just friends. I mean, we’re more than that. Nathan and I, we’re family. We aren’t together as a couple. I know people speculate about that all the time, but even if I didn’t think of him as a brother, we aren’t compatible that way. Neither one of us could give the other what they need. But he matters to me. A lot.”
“Okay.” I nodded. “I just wanted to be sure I wasn’t intruding.”
“Nah, man, not at all. I think it’s cute. You wanting to go out
with him. You aren’t his normal type, but he seems pretty into you.”
“Yeah well, he isn’t my usual type either.”
“Really. What is your usual type?”
“Well, female for starters.”
“I take it you aren’t out then?” Lincoln asked while trying not to laugh.
“Never had any reason before. I mean, I messed around with a couple guys when I was in the Navy, and we were out to sea. I just always figured it was a matter of being horny. Nathan is the first guy I’ve wanted because I want him, if that makes sense?”
“Nathan isn’t an in the closet kinda guy. You realize that, right?”
“I know. I wouldn’t want him to have to hide, but I would like to get a date with him and see how it goes before I turn my life upside down, you know?”
“I hear what you’re saying, and I get it, but just know I won’t stand by and watch you play around with him. If this becomes a thing, I won’t see him hurt because you’re scared. You feel me?”
“I understand. I don’t want him hurt either, but all this is moot if he won’t go out with me because I work at the hospital.”
“Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do. Nathan is off work until Tuesday, so you’re gonna meet me and Nathan at the food truck outside the hospital for lunch Tuesday at noon. You can plead your case and ask him out. I’ll try to soften him up for you beforehand.”
“You think it’ll be that easy?” I asked feeling hopeful I had a chance for the first time.
“Maybe. Remember, he said enough about your encounter at the mall for me to know what you wanted to talk about. So I think he can be persuaded to give you a shot.”
“Okay then. Thanks for talking to me, Linc. I appreciate it.”
“Just don’t make me sorry I helped you. Nathan has some good friends, and we’ll all have his back this time.”