Work Rules Read online

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  “This time?” I couldn’t help but ask.

  “Not my story to tell. Just don’t fuck this up. I’ll see you Tuesday at noon.”

  And with that, he got up and left the coffee shop.

  Chapter Five


  I loved my days off, but today I was spending way too much time worrying about whether or not I should go out with a guy who hadn’t even asked me out. I mean, he was probably just yanking my chain. I didn’t even know what a big guy like him would see in a guy like me, anyway.

  If he was gay—and that was a big if—he would probably be interested in some big burly military looking guy. Not a five and a half foot tall ‘girly man’, as my dad put it. Asshole. I turned around and looked at my ass in the mirror, and yeah, my ass did look good, and my hair was fantastic. Guys always said I was beautiful, but beautiful isn’t what guys look for in other guys.

  I was good for exactly two things. For gay guys to fuck when they were looking for a pretty boy to make them feel manly, and for straight guys to fuck since I’m so ‘pretty’ it didn’t seem quite so gay. But the thing is, a bear’s a bear, and a wolf’s a wolf, but there comes a point when you’re too old to be a twink. Mark said I was being silly, and there was more to me than that, but I didn’t know what that more was.

  Maybe Linc was right, and I had been playing slutty club twink for so long I didn’t know who else I was. But I did know that no one was looking for a serious relationship with a trashy club kid. That just brought me back to gorgeous, probably straight, muscle bear Alex. What did he want? Probably the second, just a night with a pretty guy who didn’t seem too much like a man.

  I didn’t want to think that was the case though. I had seen him with his niece at the mall, and he seemed like such a sweet guy. He had been in the military for heaven’s sake, and when he got out, he chose a civilian job where he still cared for people. I didn’t want to think that he wanted a walk on the gay side, and that I looked like fun, but I didn’t know what else to think. Then again, if it was a quick fuck to get it out of his system, the fact that he worked at the hospital didn’t really matter, did it?

  This wasn’t getting me anywhere. What I needed was some yoga. That would help me relax and focus. Usually, I just did it here at the house, but today I needed the distraction of a class. I called Denise, my friend Mark’s neighbor, to see if she wanted to go with. She loved yoga, and she was fun, so it would help take my mind off things. Once I got everything set up with her, I headed over to the yoga studio. Hopefully, it would clear my mind. Besides, the yogi was super cute.

  “Hey, guys!” Steve greeted us as we came in. “Just pick a spot and spread your mat. Y’all know the drill.”

  “How’s school, Stevie?” I asked as I spread out my mat in the spot I liked best.

  “It’s going great. Heading into my third year. I’ll be glad to be done, but I’m excited about this year. No more general ed, just education courses.”

  “You’re going to be a great teacher, Stevie!” Denise chimed in.

  “I hope so,” he said, blushing. Seriously, he’s such a cutie.

  “Hey, we’re having a cookout at my neighbors’ house soon. You should come join us. It’s really casual, just friends hanging out and eating lots of food. Nathan and his friend Lincoln are always there. I know Mark and Justin wouldn’t mind if you came. They love to have people over,” Denise suggested so casually that if I didn’t know better, I never would have thought she was up to anything. She had been saying for a while that Stevie and Casey were a perfect match, and while I had no idea if she was right or not, what I did know was that one of Casey’s rules was no setups, so I hope this didn’t backfire on her.

  “You sure they wouldn’t mind? I really do need to do more fun things. I just go to school and teach yoga, wash, rinse, repeat. It would be nice to meet some people.”

  I jumped in, “No, really, they do love to have people over. The group just keeps growing and they love it.”

  “Okay, shoot me the address and I’ll come.”

  Everyone else started coming in, laying out their mats, and it was time to get started. A few minutes in, I knew this was the right decision because I felt my muscles relax and the stress fade. I should to come to class more often. I loved yoga at home, but Stevie was awesome, and this was a exactly what I needed.

  We finished up and headed home. I sent a text to Linc to see if he would be home for dinner. After that great yoga class, I felt like cooking something healthy for dinner. He said he would be home around seven, so I stopped and picked up the ingredients at the store. I was just finishing up when he came in.

  “Mm, something smells really good.”

  “Thanks, I hope it tastes as good. It’s an ancient grain salad with grilled chicken and a ginger sauce.”

  Lincoln came to the kitchen to get a closer look. “We should eat like this more often. We’ve gotten into a bad takeout habit.”

  “I was thinking the same thing today when I left yoga. I really need to improve my diet.”

  “Agreed. So food truck for lunch tomorrow?” Linc asked while laughing.

  “Of course.” I rolled my eyes. “Like I’m going to give up street tacos.”


  I was supposed to meet Lincoln and Nathan at the food trucks at noon, but I was so nervous I got there around eleven thirty. Then I had to stand around looking like an indecisive weirdo who didn’t know what to eat. Of course, I knew what I wanted. I always got the street tacos when I ate at the trucks. I found a picnic table that was open and sat down. I was only there for a few minutes when I saw Lincoln and Nathan headed towards the trucks.

  “Hey, Alex!” Lincoln called. “I see you have a table all to yourself over there. Mind if we join you?”

  Good thinking Linc, I thought. “Sure, I was about to grab some tacos, but I’ll save our spot here while you guys get food. I know you’re on more of a timeline than I am.”

  “I can get yours if you want since you’re saving us a seat,” Nathan said sounding very friendly, but his expression said he knew we were up to something.

  “That would be great! Just grab me three steak tacos with avocado and cilantro and a Coke to drink.”

  I sat there trying to figure out how I was going to do this. Nathan was in line for the food with Lincoln and they were having a pretty serious conversation, which meant he wasn’t paying any attention to me. I studied him while they talked. Even today, when he was dressed for work in a pair of scrubs, he was spectacular. He used his hands when he talked, and his face was so expressive. It was like everything he did, even just talking, he did one hundred percent with his whole body.

  I could only imagine how responsive he would be during sex. Which wasn’t where my brain needed to go, but damn he was so fucking sexy. I was trying to convince myself to look away and figure out what my plan was when he looked over and our eyes caught. He smiled and I swear my heart stopped for a minute. I was so fucked.

  A couple other guys joined them in line and they started talking. I recognized Casey from HR because he’d handled my transfer paperwork. I didn’t know the other guy, but I noticed the tension between him and Lincoln from all the way over here. I was pretty sure there was a story there. I hadn’t really expected anyone but Nathan and Lincoln. I was tempted to wait to talk to him until there weren’t so many people around, but they were all friends of Nathan’s, so I didn’t think they would judge me. I thought about it for a minute and decided I didn’t care if people at work knew. Now my family were a different story, I wasn’t ready to tell them.

  They got their food and headed our way. Lincoln maneuvered them so that Nathan was beside me, and that earned him a nasty look from Nathan. They introduced me to Matt. He was one of our speech therapists. Then Casey and Matt launched into some story about the club they went to the night before, and I finally had a chance to talk to Nathan.

  “So, you come here often?” I asked with a wink. Cheesy I know, but it accomplished what I
wanted which was to get a smile.

  He shook his head and rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide his amusement.

  “Are you enjoying your new job?” he asked.

  “You mean the one I have here at the hospital? The one that may or may not violate your rule about dating men from work?”

  “May or may not? I didn’t realize there was any question about whether or not you work here.” He turned to the guys further down the table. “Hey, Casey, got a HR question for you. Does Alex work for the hospital?”

  Casey looked up confused. He looked at me, and I shook my head no. He glanced down at my ID badge that was clearly from the hospital. The one he printed for me when I switched jobs. He looked around the table like he hoped to find the right answer on someone’s face.

  “Um, well he has an office here. I guess he does?”

  Nathan sighed dramatically. “Casey, was that an answer or question, honey? You aren’t helping.”

  “Like, if someone who worked at the hospital had a ridiculous rule about never dating anyone they worked with, and I was interested in them, would my job count as working at the hospital?” I finally asked.

  “Oh!” Casey said with a grin. “In that case, I would have to say that while you are technically employed by the hospital, you report to the mayor. Therefore, your function is more of a liaison between the hospital, city, and state than an employee. No, I don’t think that counts.”

  “See, your friend Mark said the same thing at the mall the other day. He doesn’t think it counts either.”

  “I think it counts,” Matt chimed in from the end of the table.

  “Thank you,” Nathan said smiling at Matt.

  “Yeah, well I think you should mind your own fucking business,” Linc said glaring at Matt. Matt glared back. There was definitely something up with those two, and I wasn’t going to let whatever their issue was mess up my plan.

  “Well, regardless of what Matt down there thinks, Mister HR has spoken, and I agree with him. I don’t think it counts.”

  Nathan stared at me. “You don’t think it counts?”

  “Nope, I don’t because if it does count you won’t go out with me. And I really want you to. I vote no, it doesn’t count.”

  “Really? You want to go on a date with me?”

  I watched him for a minute while I tried to decide what he was thinking. He cocked his head to the side and looked at me. I was pretty sure he wanted to say yes. I guess he took this rule pretty seriously if he was having this hard of a time sorting it out.

  “Yes, Nathan. I would like to go on a date with you.”

  “What exactly do you mean by a date?” he asked cautiously. “Do you mean like dinner and movie kind of date or a Netflix and chill kinda date? And are you even gay? If so, are you out? Because I was pretty sure you were straight.”

  “Okay, so by date I am thinking maybe dinner or something. I’m not much of one for movies on a first date because I like to be able to talk. But I’m not going to lie, I’m dying to know if that lip gloss you like to wear is flavored or not, and I really want to see if your lips are as soft as they look with that peach colored shine. And no, I’m not gay; I’m bi. And no, I’m not out; I haven’t dated a guy in a long time and never here in Austin.”

  At that, Nathan cocked his head to the side. “How long is a long time?” he finally asked.

  “Since I dated a guy? Probably two years, and we never actually dated, we just hooked up occasionally.” I was nothing if not honest.

  “You realize that anywhere we go people are going to assume we’re together. They always do with me, because it’s pretty obvious I’m gay, and that’s not going to change.”

  I did realize that. I hadn’t given much thought to how I felt about it because the only thing I was thinking about was how much I wanted him. I just nodded that I got it, and then waited while he mulled it over.

  “Okay,” he finally said. “One date. We can go to the club on Friday. My friends will be there, so we can count on friendly faces, and you aren’t likely to run into anyone you know. How does that sound?”

  “That sounds like a good plan to me.” Shoot, at this point if he said we had to parade down main street so everyone could see us I might have agreed if that was what it took. But I wasn’t surprised he suggested the club where there would be no pressure on me. Just from the few times I’d seen him, I could tell that was the kind of person he was—always thinking of others. “But I’ll pick you up instead of meeting you there, like a real date. Let me give you my number, and you can text me the address.”

  He handed me his phone, and I entered my number and gave it back. He took it and started to text. My phone pinged with a message, and I opened the message and saved his number to my contacts. We agreed I would pick him up at eight pm Saturday.

  “Well, guys, I need to get back to work. Thanks for the tacos, Nathan. I’ll see you Friday.” I took my trash and got up to head back to work.

  “We’ll all see you Friday,” Casey said with a grin, and then he mouthed, “You owe me.” I laughed at him and nodded.

  As I turned to leave, I heard Nathan hiss at Lincoln, “You totally set that up, you asshole.”

  Chapter Six


  I couldn’t believe I agreed to go out with Alex. Well, I mean, I could because he was sexy as fuck, and I’d wanted him for months, but still, I didn’t intend to say yes. I blamed Lincoln for this. He set me up, so I’d had no choice but to say I would go. That was my story anyway, and I was sticking to it.

  I wasn’t sure what Alex was expecting from me. But I decided I had might as well show him exactly what he was getting into with me. I worked twelve-hour shifts Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, so I was off Saturday. I went to the spa for a full body wax. Ouch, but so worth it. After that, I went home and started to get ready. First, I took a long hot bath and made sure that all of me, and I do mean all of me, was clean. Then I added some sparkly body glitter because who didn’t want a little shimmer?

  I dug around in my closet until I found my lavender mesh crop top and added my black leather pants. Then, just for good measure, I added my heeled boots. Next, I went for full face makeup with lots of glitter because let’s be honest, a little shimmer wasn’t enough for me. Last was the hair. I left it curly and full and added clip-in hair extensions in hot pink. I stood there in the mirror for a minute. Everyone said I was beautiful, but what I saw was a guy who was fuckable. I mean, I knew I looked good, but at some point, looks fade and when those are gone, what’s left? Not much.

  I went out in the living room where Lincoln and Casey were waiting. They would take their own car, but they’d insisted on waiting until Alex picked me up before they left.

  “You guys could go on and make sure we get our table,” I complained.

  “Seriously, Nate. Is that what you’re wearing?” Lincoln asked as he looked me over.

  “What’s wrong with it?” I asked using my haughtiest tone. “I think I look positively fuckable. Kinda like a trashy sex kitten.”

  “Well, I guess if that was the look you were going for, you’re spot on. I just hope Alex is prepared.”

  “That’s kinda the point, isn’t it? No point in him thinking he’s getting some sweet little nurse when we both know this is the real me.” I saw both the understanding and the sadness in Lincoln’s eyes when he got what I was doing.

  “Alex is a good man, Nathan. You should’ve given him a chance to know the real you.”

  “This is the real me, Lincoln. Trashy Club Kid. It’s my brand, remember?” I could tell he was about to argue with me, but the doorbell rang.

  “Oops, saved by the bell,” I quipped as I went to open the door and let Alex in.


  I’d never gone on a date with a man before, so I had no idea what to expect. Even if I dated men all the time, I was pretty sure I couldn’t have prepared myself for what met me at Nathan’s door. I was speechless for a second when I got a look at him.

  He was stunning but in a not Nathan way. Or at least not in a way I had ever seen him before. He was glittery and shiny and good lord, his clothes were see-through. Well, his shirt was anyway. His pants weren’t see through, but they were so tight and thin, they might as well have been. On one hand, I wanted to lick him and see if that glitter had any flavor. On the other hand, he was a little scary.

  “Okay, big guy. Are you ready to taste the rainbow?” he asked with a wink as he breezed past me out the door and called back, “Come on, sugar, I’m ready to go. I could use a drink in the worst kinda way.”

  I watched him walk down the hall for a second, and then I looked back at Lincoln. He shrugged apologetically, but I saw something in his eyes. Like he was asking me to figure something out. Something was up with Nathan, and I needed to pay attention and figure out what it was. I nodded at him letting him know I got the message.

  “Well, guys. I guess we’ll see you at the club.” I turned around and headed down the hall after my date. I caught up with him at the elevator. We rode down together and neither of us said anything until we got out on the first floor.

  “Are you driving, or do you want me to?” I asked him.

  “Well, you did say you would pick me up like a ‘real’ date didn’t you, so I guess that means you’re driving. Where are you parked?”

  “I’m in that Dodge Charger right across the street.” I pointed at my baby sitting there. I was happy to see it didn’t look like anyone had messed with her. It had seemed like a safe neighborhood when I left it there, but you never knew.

  “Oh, wow. That’s a pretty car; it suits you. I expected you to be in some big old truck, but this car is better. It fits. Is it fast?” He asked sounding more like himself for the first time that evening.